Cactus Tube Dudes of Arizona
Exit from I17 North on 7th ST., hit the brakes right after you go under the bridge and turn on to Apache. The adventure begins:Field Trip Apache Reclamation.
You can shop
from Isle 12 for Green Bins of Survival Supplies.
Or you can
tackle Isle 13.
They have opened the Tube Room and I personally picked up 14 good working (but very dirty) 12AT7s. The brands I kept were GE, Ken-Rad (1 pair, barely into the green) and RCA 12AT7s. I left the Sylvanias and unbranded ones. 1 out of 3 were weak or dead. If you beg, they'll let you use the B&K 707 tube tester. No pictures of the tube room. I was too busy elbowing everybody to get the to tubes I wanted.
Now to go
outside an be a man (a dusty dirty man but a man never the less.)
One man's junk
is another man's chassis for a tube amp.
The treasure
Why it was a
treasure chest: 3 mF 450V caps in good condition and 12 foot runs of 00
and 0000 wiring for speakers. Hey, Our member, Mr. X., asked permission
before he touched the insides just like the sign says and got read the
riot act by another employee anyway.
Another Treasure
Chest. See that blue thing? That is a foot and a half tall 450V
capacitor in a magnet charger with too many zeros in front of the "uF"
to count. There were about 2 dozen of those caps in there. Talk about
severe duty. Getting charged up all the way and dumped into a short. I
wonder if they had a catch diode on the caps to make them last a little
longer. The caps were dated 1995 on the side of the caps.
How about
winding a 0.01 Hz subwoofer on a man size piece of recycled iron!
Big Scores for
the group:
00 wire for speakers
0000 wire for speakers
1 inch diameter wire (over the copper) heavily stranded amazingly
flexible wire for a Horn subwoofer.
Tubes, Capacitors, Hardware, signal wire, magnet wire and Ferrite
A potential Big Score was a pile of 4000 TDK H1D Ferrite toroids outside in the mud. We probably left 3800 of them there on our first trip. The part number for the muddy toroid is TDK H1D36X15.1X23E. I picked up 40 the first day and went back for more later in the week. When I went back I could tell other club members were picking them up too. The pile was 3/4 the size it was before and about a hundred were broken from something running over them.
One of the members tried them out and reported back that he liked them! Here is his report:
>From: Boyd BTDK H1D36X15.1X23E part numbering breakdown.
>Hello Group!
Those of you who were not present last saturday for the Apache Reclamation field trip missed a fun day. The jewel of the day may have been found in the mud in the outside yard, more specifically an epoxy encased toroid. Volt located these, and when he approached me that morning in the back yard he said "if these are what I think they are..." Several of us purchased some, and because I've had some time to do some toroid testing Volt asked me if I would report my impressions.
>My experience with the toroids is on interconnect lines only, I started by installing a pair of the toroids on the preamp out lines and was a bit startled to hear a difference. More subtleties in background sounds were evident as were more textures and purity to vocals. The depth of the soundstage becomes more defined. I then added toroids to every interconnect in the signal path, each providing an incremental improvement in the above. Your mileage may vary, but on my system this proved to be more than a subtle change. Noise reduction is the scheme here, the following info is from Volt covering specs on the beasts and best applications...
H1D is a common mode choke ferrite, Ur = 7500m (Now obsolete)
On our toroid, 1T = 9.5 uH. 10T = 0.95 mH 20T = 3.8 mH. All inductances +/- 25% at low AC drive levels and go up with higher drive until saturation is hit. This part won't take much DC. Probably less than 100 mA on 10 turns.
So what does this mean in English?
This is a good core to put over your low level phono to turntable connections. The hum ground goes on the outside, the signal lines all go
through the hole in the center. I have two similar cores on my phono interconnect. Both left and right go through both cores one time. If I
could fit it, I'd consider two cores on left and two different cores on right.
This is a good core to wrap your interconnects through a 3-6 times.
This is a good
core to use to make a power cord.
CD Player:
Low level Interconnects:
Speaker Interconnects:
Some of the Vinyl Played:
Volt S..
Boyd B.
Dan A.
Peter C.
Bruce A.
Bill E
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2024 index page.)
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_( AMP Second index
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